Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Stripper, Witch, Hockey Mom - Competition


Look – I don’t have a prize, but I do have a book. It’s new, it’s unpublished and I’m hoping to have it on Kindle by the first week in August. What I don’t have is a cover. I am not a visual artist, but I’m looking for an image to front my next novel

Stripper, Witch, Hockey Mom

Synopsis – Jane Attwood, ex stripper and single mother inherits her father’s estate and moves from her native Scotland to the rich southern English county of Surrey where she enrols her daughter Courtney in the local boarding school. Asked to teach a dance class by the Headmaster can Jane keep it together, inspire the girls and find love while keeping a secret of her own?

The prize is that I’ll use your image as the front of the book during its first publication run on Kindle. You get the credit for the art, the art gets displayed permanently on my blog and I tweet and blog about you till the cows come home. I'll put as many entries as I can on my blog.

By entering the competition you are giving me permission to use the image as a front cover for a Kindle edition of ‘Stripper, Witch, Hockey Mom’

Rules – It has to be something acceptable as a book cover, it has to be your image.

Tweet the pictures to @barrycooper53

Retweet to all and sundry


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