Sunday, 26 August 2012

Do religions serve our societies or do societies serve our religions?

Scotland wants to introduce same sex marriage. Not the civil partnership – we have that – marriage – in a church.

This morning 500 Catholic parishes issued a letter condemning the move in words that can at best be described as anti-gay and worst as religiously motivated homophobia.

Do religions serve our societies or do societies serve our religions?

I stand; or rather sit aghast at the temerity of the Catholic Church as it tries to force itself and its antiquated views on the population of this great nation of Scotland.

I’m an atheist, which in the spirit of disclosure and fair play I’ll admit right from the off.

I don’t believe in God, but do believe in people: people who come in all shapes, sizes, colours and predilections.

People love one another and they make those declarations of love in all manner of ways. They buy flowers for a first date; they go and see the awful movie because they think it will make their loved one happy, they travel long distances, learn new things and eventually make promises like marriage.

In a world where one in every ten person is attracted to a member of the same sex it is anachronistic, no, it is offensive to deny 10% of people the right to be part of society.

Religions should serve the best interests of our societies. If a society elects a government and passes them a mandate for change, what right has an unelected body like the Catholic Church to stand in the way of that change?

Scotland has sought to throw off unelected rulers before. The Catholic Church needs to be very careful and think hard on my question.

Do religions serve our societies or do societies serve our religions?

If they get the answer wrong the consequences could be disastrous.

Check out :
For more info.

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